Loving with Autism Update: Food Stories

Loving with Autism Update: I am fairly certain any parent of any child on the spectrum will have a food story… about how they will only eat a certain colour of food or a certain texture… there are underlying sensory issues that contribute to all of this and as I completed my chapter about this in my book I had the chance to reflect… and then also to realise how far we have come… it has only been in the last couple of weeks that Thomas now pretty much eats everything we do… it was like a flick was switched and his sensory issues are now manageable, his taste buds have matured and he has embraced textures and tastes… now if you had asked me when I was scaring food off walls if I could see this day… well I would have said that I couldn’t, not even if I squint. And yet here we are… never lose hope, all in our own time, celebrate all progress and possibilities are endless… 


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