On Friday night after the Toowoomba ADULTS ONLY Show and having an awesome night Thomas and I drove back to Brisbane… he drove, getting those 100 hours done…
It was an uneventful trip and we arrived home at about 11.30pm… as we drove into our driveway to park underneath the complex Thomas stops to end his trip on his App… and I smell something funny…
I drive into the carpark and as I go to reverse into the park I see something all over the cement and then I see a trail of it as we drove in and then I see oil pouring out of the engine…
So I managed to get the car out on to the street before it… well whatever it would do… and Craig came down and we cleaned up the mess…
So today we find out what the problem is… but you know the point of the story is that we have two ways we can process this…
‘Oh, no what the hell is wrong with the car? How much is that going to cost… I haven’t got time for this!’
‘I am just so, so grateful that we go right into our driveway before this happened, imagine this happening on the highway and something happening while Tom was driving…. imagine the drama if we had been stranded on the side of the road between Brisbane and Toowoomba waiting for help and I had a 6am flight the next morning… imagine if the car was to be totally wrecked because we didn’t realise we had run out of oil… ‘
SO, for me I think “LUCKY ME!” The Universe is working with me not against me…
Shit is going to happen, because that is living life, so lets look for the best case scenario when the shit hits and be grateful for that! 
Practice seeing the ‘bright side’ with the little challenges in life and then you will be more emotionally and mentally strong for the big stuff!
Now I may have some more mental work to do when I hear the news on the car!